Ancient history of banking

Everyone has seen at least once in their lives a movie showing nineteenth-century America, where there is a small dusty town, in the center of which stands a frail wooden building with the word Bank written on it. Judging by the narrative, each of these faded five-street towns regularly attracted the attention of robbers, and the banks were emptied daily. Thanks to this stereotype, many people think that banking and originated in the United States, but that is far…

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Bank operation day – what is it and how does it affect clients?

In our country, banks appeared not so long ago, which is why the service was created “from scratch” and is therefore more developed than in other countries. For example, Russians, unlike residents of many other countries, can boast of “instant transfers” and, while in Europe, for example, this should take up to several days. However, even we have situations where the bank is not completely fast. This is due to the “banking day”. How does a bank day work?…

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Chatbots of banks now know how to approve loans. How is this technology changing the industry?

Progress is not standing still. Previously no one could even dream of a mobile app and, and for even the smallest operation you had to go to a branch, but now everything has become much more convenient. Even more, now you don’t even need an employee to organize any action, because many banks have introduced a chat-bot system. Chat-bots are convenient first of all because they can do all the work 24/7 without breaks and days off. Also, even…

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